No Longer Available Kitchenaid Oven Microwave Combo Touchpad In Stock Dont replace your oven and microwave over a faulty, no longer available, touchpad. and Ledgestone Technologies created a new Oven/Microwave Combo Touchpad for your Kitchenaid oven. Give us a call…

Discontinued Oven Keypads in Stock! Replacement by Ledgestone Tech
Discontinued Oven Keypads in Stock! Replacement by Ledgestone Tech. Oven Control Panels in Stock. Obsolete Membrane Switches in Stock. We’ve spoken to many customers who have griped about the difficulty of locating no-longer-manufactured parts for their expensive wall ovens and…
KEBS207 KEBC208 KEBS277 Obsolete Touchpad Replacement
KEBS207 KEBC208 KEBS277 Obsolete Touchpad Replacement. We’ve spoken to many customers who have griped about the difficulty of locating no-longer-manufactured parts for their expensive wall ovens and microwaves. Truth be told, there aren’t many positive options available. We’ve found that…

F1, F2, F3 Whirlpool GBS27 GBS30 RBS24 RBS27 RBS30
F1, F2, F3 Whirlpool GBS27 GBS30 RBS24 RBS27 RBS30 Oven. Are you hearing beeping and seeing error codes on your Whirlpool oven? A faulty control board may be the cause. Luckily, FixYourBoard drafted this handy blog to help you fix…

GE Double Oven Stays at 100 with F2 Fault Code
GE Double Oven Stays at 100 with F2 Fault Code. So you had your oven controller rebuilt at and just put your oven back together. Everything seems to work except there are some strange symptoms. GE OVEN TROUBLESHOOTING AFTER BOARD REBUILD…
GBD RBD Whirlpool Oven Problems, Causes, and Solutions
Hello Friends! Today we’re discussing a few common problems we see with Whirlpool ovens. We’re going to cover what causes the failures, and what you can do to resolve them. E6 F2 Error Code = Faulty Control Board. This is the…
Whirlpool Oven Wont Increase Temperature, Up Arrow Decreases Temperature, Stuck at 350
“It’s Friday night and Joe is planning on making a pizza for dinner. The DiGorno pizza he just picked up bakes at 400 degrees fahrenheit. When setting the temperature on his oven to preheat, he realizes that he cant increase the…