Old Control Board Part Numbers plus New Replacements cross-compatibility reference guide. We’ve provided a few part numbers we commonly see come through our lab. Manufacturers and appliance parts dealers have multiple part numbers for each electronic control board in your appliances .…

Cannot Read Display or See Temperature Thermador RDDS30
We’re often contacted by homeowners who have a hard time seeing the read-out on their oven display. If you cannot see the temperature or read the display on your range, keep reading. About 98% of dim displays on a control…
318010700, WB27T10265, WB27K5273, 62681, 8801201 For Sale!
318010700, WB27T10265, WB27K5273, 62681, 8801201 For Sale! Frigidaire Wall Oven Control Part Numbers — 318010700, AP2127072, 499452, AH440925, EA440925, PS440925. Available for $300 + $13 shipping and handling. This part has a $75 core, meaning that once your old control board…