Old Control Board Part Numbers plus New Replacements cross-compatibility reference guide. We’ve provided a few part numbers we commonly see come through our lab. Manufacturers and appliance parts dealers have multiple part numbers for each electronic control board in your appliances .…

Whirlpool Refrigerator Part W10823805, 2252159 Repair
Whirlpool Refrigerator Part W10823805, 2252159 Repair Part Numbers Available: 2252159, AP3772918, 2215946, 2221501, 2221522, 2252071, 2252095, 2252097, 2254739, 8201521, W10823805 Cost for Remanufacture: $220 + $12 shipping and handling 2-3 day turn around time, 24-hr expedited turn around is also available.…
W10340935, 2252159, W10135090 For Sale
W10340935, 2252159, W10135090 For Sale All controls are remanufactured to their original specifications and 100% tested. The quality of our remanufactured parts are equal to or better than an OEM part. Each remanufactured part comes with an industry leading 2…