Beeping and Flashing F1 on Oven Range is a fixable problem! to the rescue! This is a common control board failure that we fix everyday in our lab. However, If you’ve already had your control board repaired and are still seeing an F1 error, there may be an additional problem. This article refers to a specific problem we’ve encountered with two different types of oven control boards – the relevant model and part numbers can be found at the end of the article.
These particular control board part numbers will trigger the display of an F1 error code in response to a variety of failures. Often, these error codes are the result of bad power supply or logic control circuits that can be repaired at However, we have found that even after a control board is rebuilt and passes a full function test, it still throws an F1 after reinstallation. The control board has just been fully remanufactured and tested! How can this be?
It turns out that these control boards, when installed in the oven, connect to the platinum temperature sensing rods through wire nuts. If connection in the wire nut is going high resistance, it causes the control board to think the oven cavity is over temperature…resulting in an F1 overheat error code. This connection seems especially susceptible to temperature change as well, so this problem is especially apparent as you start heating the oven.
So, if you’ve had your board rebuilt by or recently got the board replaced, and you’ve replaced the temperature sensor, but you’re still getting an F1, inspect these wire nuts! The easiest way to find the wire nuts will be to follow the wiring with your hand (make sure the breaker is off) from the temperature sensor (or from the board if you know which wires go to the sensor).
You will likely find that the wiring inside the nut has rusted and corroded. We recommend cutting off the already exposed portions of the wire and stripping some insulation off. This allows “fresh” wire to be reconnected in a new wire nut. Problem solved!
Remember to have all your control board needs handled at!
This post applies to the following part numbers:
3169257,3182392EXCR,3169257EXCR,3182392,3169257, AP3095480,
35-00-751,00487604,486752-REPL,35-00-571,14-33-347,00486752, 3182391EXCR,3169256EXCR,3182391,
3169256,3169258, 3169258, 497305,3169258, AP3095479, AP2836528, 487604, 3169259, AP3095480, 3169257, 3182392
This post applies to the following model numbers:
RB160, RB260, RB270, RB770, RF396, RM765, RM770, RS675, RS696, RDDS30, RDDS30QW, RDDS30V, RDDS30VQB, RDDS30VQB, RDDS30VRS, RDDS30VRS, RDFS30, RDF30, RDF30QB, RDF30QW, RDF30RS, RDF30RS, RDSS30, RED30V, RED30VQB, RED30VQRS, RED30VQW, REF30, REF30QB, REF30QW, REF30RS, RES30, RES30QB, RES30RS, RES30W, RDDS30, RDDS30QW, RDDS30, RDDS30V, RDDS30VQB, RDDS30VRS, RDFS30, RDF30, RDF30QB, RDF30QW, RDF30RS, RDSS30, RED30V, RED30VQB, RED30VQRS, RED30VQW, REF30, REF30QB, REF30QW, REF30RS, RES30, RES30QB, RES30RS, RES30W, RDDS30, RDF30, RDFS30, RDSS30, RED30, REF30, RES30, RSS30, RB160PXB02, RB160PXBB2, RB160PXYB6, RB170PXB02, RB170PXBB, RB170PXBQ2, RB260PBYQ, RB260PXB1, RB260PXBB1, RB260PXBB2, RB260PXBQ, RB260PXBQ1, RB260PXBQ2, RB260PXYB, RB260PXYB0, RB260PXYB1, RB260PXYQ, RB260PXYQ0, RB270PXBB0, RB270PXBB1, RB270PXBO1, RB270PXBQ2, RB270PXY, RB270PXYB, RB270PXYB RB270PXYB-0, RB270PXYB1, RB270PXYQ, RB270PXYQ0, RB270RXBB1, RB760POXYB2, RB760PXB, RB760PXB01, RB760PXBB0, RB760PXBB2, RB760PXBQ, RB760PXYQ, RB770PXBB1, RB770PXBQ1, RB770PXBQ2, RB770PXYB, RB770PXYB5, RDDS30, RDDS30QVB, RDDS30RS, RDDS30RVS, RDDS30V, RDDS30VPS, RDDS30VQ, RDDS30VQB, RDDS30VQS, RDDS30VQW, RDDS30VRS, RDDS30VRS/01, RDDS30VRS/02FD, RDDS30VRS/03SD, RDDS30VRS03, RDDS30VRSFD, RDDS30ZQB, RDF30, RDF30Q, RDF30QB, RDF30QS, RDF30QW, RDF30QW RDF30RS, RDF30RS, RDFS30, RDFS30QS, RDFS30QW, RDFS30RS, RDS30V, RDS530RS, RDSF30RS, RDSS30, RDSS304S, RDSS30Q, RDSS30QB, RDSS30QW, RDSS30QW RDSS30RS, RDSS30RS, RDSS30RS-02, RED30RS01, RED30V, RED30VQB RED30VQBK, RED30VQW, RED30VRS, REF30, REF30QS, REF30RS, RES30QW, RES30RS, RF396PXYN, RF768PXYQ, RFB260PXBQ2, RH770PXBQ2, RM765PXAB0, RM765PXBB2, RM770PXBB1, RM770PXBB2, RM770PXBQ2, RS6755XYN1, RS6755XYW0, RS675PXBQ1, RS675PXBQ2, RS675PXYQ0, RS677PXYQ, RS696B02, RS696PXBB2, RS696PXYB, RS696PXYB0, RS696PXYB2, RS696TXYQ02, RS69PXBB3, RSS30RS, RX260PXYQ01, W305B, WPLRM770PXAB0, rB260PXBB0 , rB260PXBB1 , rB260PXBB2 , rB260PXBQ0 , rB260PXBQ1 , rB260PXBQ2 , rS6755XYN0 , rS6755XYN1 , rS6755XYN2 , rS6755XYN5 , rS6755XYN6 , rS6755XYN7 , rS6755XYW0 , rS6755XYW1 , rS6755XYW2 , rS6755XYW5 , rS6755XYW6 , rS6755XYW7 , rB760PXYQ , rB270PXBQ2 , rs696pxbq2 , rB270PXYQ0 , rB760 , rB270 , rB260 , rS6755,
, rB260PXBB0 , rB260PXBB1 , rB260PXBB2 , rB260PXBQ0 , rB260PXBQ1 , rB260PXBQ2 , rS6755XYN0 , rS6755XYN1 , rS6755XYN2 , rS6755XYN5 , rS6755XYN6 , rS6755XYN7 , rS6755XYW0 , rS6755XYW1 , rS6755XYW2 , rS6755XYW5 , rS6755XYW6 , rS6755XYW7 , rB760PXYQ , rB270PXBQ2 , rs696pxbq2 , rB270PXYQ0 , rB760 , rB270 , rB260 , rS6755 , rS675PXBH1 , rS675PXBQ0 , rS675PXBQ1 , rS675PXYQ0 , rB260PXBQ2 , rS696PXBB2 , rS675PXBQ2 , rB260PXBB1 , rS675PXYH0 , rB260PXYB1 , rB760PXBB2 , rS696PXBQ4 , rB160PXBB2 , rB260PXYB0 , rB270PXBB1 , rB270PXYQ0 , rS696PXBQ2 , rB260PXBB0 , rB270PXBB0 , rB270PXBQ2 , rB760PXYB0 , rF385PXYW3 , rM770PXAB0 , rS675PXBH0 , rS696PXYB0 , rB770PXBB2 , rF385PXYW1 , rM770PXBB0 , rS675PXBH2 , rS696PXBB4 , rB160PXBB1 , rB160PXBQ2 , rB260PXBB2 , rB260PXBQ1 , rB260PXYQ0 , rB270PXBB2 , rB270PXYQ1 , rB270PXYQ3 , rB770PXBB1 , rF396PXYN5 , rM770PXBQ1 , rS675PXYH2 , rS675PXYQ2 , rS696PXBB0 , rB170PXYB2 , rB170PXYB4 , rB270PXBQ1 , rB270PXYB3 , rB270PXYQ2 , rB760PXBB1 , rB760PXBQ2 , rB770PXYB3 , rB770PXYB4 , rF396PXYQ5 , rM770PXBB2 , rM770PXBQ0 , rM770PXBQ2 , rS675PXYQ1 , rS696PXYB2 , rB160PXBB0 , rB160PXBQ0 , rB160PXBQ1 , rB160PXYB0 , rB160PXYB2 , rB160PXYB3 , rB160PXYB4 , rB160PXYB5 , rB160PXYB6 , rB160PXYQ0 , rB160PXYQ2 , rB160PXYQ3 , rB160PXYQ4 , rB160PXYQ5 , rB160PXYQ6 , rB170PXBB0 , rB170PXBB1 , rB170PXBB2 , rB170PXBQ0 , rB170PXBQ1 , rB170PXBQ2 , rB170PXYB0 , rB170PXYB3 , rB170PXYB5 , rB170PXYB6 , rB170PXYB7 , rB170PXYQ0 , rB170PXYQ2 , rB170PXYQ3 , rB170PXYQ4 , rB170PXYQ5 , rB170PXYQ6 , rB170PXYQ7 , rB260PXBQ0 , rB260PXYQ1 , rB270PXBQ0 , rB270PXYB0 , rB270PXYB1 , rB270PXYB2 , rB760PXBB0 , rB760PXBQ0 , rB760PXBQ1 , rB760PXYB2 , rB760PXYB3 , rB760PXYB4 , rB760PXYB5 , rB760PXYB6 , rB760PXYQ0 , rB760PXYQ2 , rB760PXYQ3 , rB760PXYQ4 , rB760PXYQ5 , rB760PXYQ6 , rB770PXBB0 , rB770PXBQ0 , rB770PXBQ1 , rB770PXBQ2 , rB770PXYB0 , rB770PXYB2 , rB770PXYB5 , rB770PXYB6 , rB770PXYB7 , rB770PXYQ0 , rB770PXYQ2 , rB770PXYQ3 , rB770PXYQ4 , rB770PXYQ5 , rB770PXYQ6 , rB770PXYQ7 , rF385PXYN0 , rF385PXYN1 , rF385PXYN2 , rF385PXYN3 , rF385PXYN4 , rF385PXYQ0 , rF385PXYQ1 , rF385PXYQ2 , rF385PXYQ3 , rF385PXYQ4 , rF385PXYW0 , rF385PXYW2 , rF385PXYW4 , rF396PXYB0 , rF396PXYB1 , rF396PXYB2 , rF396PXYB3 , rF396PXYB5 , rF396PXYN0 , rF396PXYN1 , rF396PXYN2 , rF396PXYN3 , rF396PXYQ0 , rF396PXYQ1 , rF396PXYQ2 , rF396PXYQ3 , rF396PXYW0 , rF396PXYW1 , rF396PXYW2 , rF396PXYW3 , rF396PXYW4 , rF396PXYW5 , rM770PXAB1 , rM770PXAQ0 , rM770PXAQ1 , rM770PXBB1 , rS675PXYH1 , rS677PXYB0 , rS677PXYB1 , rS677PXYQ0 , rS677PXYQ1 , rS696PXBB1 , rS696PXBB3 , rS696PXBQ0 , rS696PXBQ1 , rS696PXBQ3 , rS696PXYB1 , rS696PXYQ0 , rS696PXYQ1 , rS696PXYQ2